

In this generation, it is typical to see girls taking pictures of themselves with a DSLR or an iPhone. Trend to trend, from girls taking photos of their mirror image to taking top down exposing a little too much skin. For those that know me, they know I'm camera shy when people want to take photos with me. (But of cos when it comes to pictures with my loved ones for a memorable day/occasion, I would love to capture those lovingly with them by my side) I am only comfortable with taking pictures with my phone for my outfit of the day or makeup of the day posts on Path/Instagram. Even if I do take these photos on a regular basis due to my interest in fashion itself, I see flaws which other people claim at plus points. Many times, I push myself through points in time, when I just want to destroy all these images. Then, there are people that tell me how my courage to put up these photos - purely due to interest - urges them to pursue their interests in fashion or even freelance modeling, I continue because of these people. 

(Disclaimer: I don't endorse or support freelance modeling in general because I believe it is your own judgement of every photographer that approaches you as there have been many scams.)

I'm not the typical skinny pretty girl. If I might say, I'm healthy looking. I choose to be different and I take comfort in the fact that my loved ones love me for me. My face isn't a stereotypical pretty either, I have chubby cheeks and single eyelid. Both of which I used to dislike the most about myself. In these years, I've overcame these pains and decided to love myself simply because… There is only one Hannah in the world (not suggesting I'm the only one with this name but you get my drift) and since there is only one me, I might as well be the best one yet. Right?

These photos were the ones I took before I headed out to meet Stephanie for K Box the other day. Feeling low, I told my other friend of how I really did not feel like going out, emotions of ugliness overtook. So she told me "why not go to your photobooth, take a few candid, strange weird shots of yourself. It doesn't have to be perfect. You're not perfect, but your imperfections make you, you. Right dear?" 
So I took it. These are the friends I choose to keep close to me just because. 

Alright, now. Goodbye my lovelies!

PS/ Join me on Instagram! (hannahgohya)
And of cos, do download Path if you guys love Facebook, Twitter & all that, link your close ones up! :)